Katie Maunder (they/she), Bontrager & Stinchcombe labs
What do you study? I study spatial patterns in floral variation to investigate the interplay of evolutionary processes.
What does this mean you do day to day? During the field season I get to travel to beautiful roadside ditches and collect plant samples while fighting off thorny, poisonous weeds. I spend the rest of the year meticulously counting and measuring my bounty of seeds, leaves, and sticks.
When you aren’t counting seeds, how do you spend your time? I love to partially complete crochet projects (if you are interested in a single sock or three-quarters of a vest, hit me up). I enjoy biking to campus, rain or shine, and I play on the University of Toronto’s flag football team.
Why did you take on this committee work? During my first year in the EEB department I benefited from the community support and advocacy around mental health. I hope to help promote an inclusive and supportive environment in the future.
How would I find you if I need to? Please swing by my office ESC 2074 (the door is often closed but I can be summoned by a knock), or send me an email (katie.maunder@mail.utoronto.ca).