Meng Yuan (she/her), Wright & Stinchcombe Labs

What do you study?  Evolution at different life cycles stages in plants and how they affect each other.

What does this mean you do day to day?  I run bioinformatic programs or my own code on computer servers to analyze DNA or RNA sequencing data. Sometimes I also grow plants in the greenhouse to collect plant tissues that generate sequencing data.

When you aren’t doing research, how do you spend your time? I enjoy nature photography, biking, hiking, and recently I started learning kickboxing.

Why did you take on this committee work?  To me, mental health is health, and as graduate students we sometimes struggle with keeping a good work/life balance, which can cost us our mental health. I share these same struggles, and I want to help others take better care of their health. 

How would I find you if I need to? Shoot me an email (, and we can talk or hang out, get lunch, take a walk, or just exchange words through email.

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