Youngseo Jeong (she/her), Mideo Lab
What do you study? Using mathematical models, I am trying to find out how parasites evolve in response to disease interventions such as vaccines.
What does this mean you do day to day? I’m usually working through math problems, and taking notes on models of infection dynamics using my favourite fountain pens and nice mechanical pencils, or coding in R.
When you aren’t at your desk looking at numbers and letters, how do you spend your time? I like to knit and watch atmospheric horror movies, especially both at the same time (I watch the screen through whatever I’m knitting when the movie gets scary). I also rock climb regularly, which makes me hungry, and so I often combine climbing with getting food with friends.
Why did you take on this committee work? I was impressed by how considerate and understanding the people in the department were while I was going through some mental health struggles at the beginning of graduate school. Knowing that it takes work to foster an environment like that, I wanted to do my part and help support others.
As a member of this committee, what relevant training have you received? Identify, Assist, Refer, SafeTALK: Suicide Alertness for Everyone, and Sexual Violence Disclosure Skills.
How would I find you if I need to? I check my phone often, so you can direct message me on Slack or send me an email (youngseoclara.jeong@mail.utoronto.ca).